Bentley Substation Help

Working with Template WorkSets


In the CONNECT Edition, the application makes use of WorkSets to apply configuration settings to projects. Therefore, it can be advantageous to take advantage of template WorkSets to drive the creation of a new WorkSet. By doing so you can apply project specific settings to any new project that you create. Here are some typical uses for a template WorkSet:
  • Specify a project specific catalog or parts database.
  • Load a specific project options file.

Define Template WorkSets

A template WorkSet is no different than any other WorkSet except for how you intend to use it. In other words, any WorkSet can be treated as a template when creating a new WorkSet.

You have two options for defining template Worksets:
  1. Customize the existing templates
  2. Create new templates
Customize Existing Templates
You can make use of the existing template WorkSets to preload your own custom content as needed. By default, Substation delivers two template WorkSets that can be used to create a new WorkSet which predefines various configuration variables. The template WorkSets that are delivered by default are:
  • _Template_ANSI-IEEE
  • _Template_IEC

You can rename these templates, if desired, by renaming the WorkSet folder and the corresponding WorkSet.cfg file. By default, these WorkSets are found in the "Substation ANSI-IEEE Example" or "Substation IEC Example" workspace here:

C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Bentley Substation CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\Substation ANSI-IEEE Example\Worksets

C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Bentley Substation CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\Substation IEC Example\Worksets

To modify configuration settings for a template WorkSet you can directly edit the configuration file. The configuration file for the template WorkSet has the same name as the template WorkSet itself and is located in the root of the "Worksets" folder listed above.

You can specify any configuration variable you desire and set its value in this configuration file to achieve your desired goal. Refer to the Configuration Variables topic for a complete listing of the application specific Configuration Variables. The following example would load a project specific catalog when creating a new project using this workset as a template:


Create New Templates

You can select the Create WorkSet button in the Project Manager to create a new WorkSet and assign it the name of the template you would like to create. Once the WorkSet is created, you can edit the configuration file that matches the name you assigned to the WorkSet.

You can specify any configuration variable you desire and set its value in this configuration file to achieve your desired goal. Refer to the Configuration Variables topic for a complete listing of the application specific Configuration Variables. The following example would load a project specific catalog when creating a new project using this workset as a template:


How To Utilize a Template WorkSet

  1. Select the Create WorkSet button in the Project Manager to display the Create WorkSet dialog.
  2. Specify a name for the WorkSet you wish to create.
  3. Choose your template WorkSet from the Template pull-down.
  4. After clicking OK to create the WorkSet the software will copy all contents from the template WorkSet to the newly created WorkSet which includes the configuration file that contains your custom settings.
Note: Any files you include within the template WorkSet folder will be copied to your newly created WorkSet.